A hybrid course in logistics is being created

Date created 22.12.2021

During the intensive course in Lithuania in November, 15-19, the partners of the Erasmus + strategic project HYBVET gained knowledge about the nature and creation of a hybrid course.

The method used by Krizių Tyrimo Centras (KTC) is a very good alternative to the traditional teaching method and is particularly effective in gaining and consolidating practical experience.

During the week's program, participants visited HLab's study rooms, got acquainted with the equipment and methodology, learned to use Drakon language (programming using an algorithm, drakon language), mapped the steps according to the partner's chosen topic, created the first algorithms, dynamic forms & documents and module parts (workflow). On the last day, an initial hybrid course was tested, which provided good feedback on what went well and what needs to be reworked or adjusted.

The JKHK project team has decided to create simulations on "planning shipments to a semi-trailer, compiling a loading scheme". To date, the primary algorithm and corresponding scenarios have been developed. The entire hybrid course should be completed by February next year.


Merje Mölter

Project manager

Last changed 22.12.2021.