UP4Green Concrete multiplier event

Date created 16.03.2023

On March 17, 2023, a multiplier event for the Eerasmus+ project Upskill Professionals FOR sustainable renovation plans CONCRETE buildings (UP4GREEN CONCRETE) will be held at JKHK Särevere Campus.

Concrete buildings in need of renovation are located not only in Estonia, but all over Europe. Hence there is the need for a more comprehensive approach. The Erasmus+ project UP4GREEN CONCRETElink opens on new page addresses the skills needed for the renovation of concrete buildings in order to train relevant specialists to renovate these houses.

The aim of the project was to start by solving this issue and to create materials that would contribute to improving the knowledge of specialists in this sector in such a way that they would be able to carry out the analysis of concrete buildings at a global level and propose a renovation plan combining energy efficiency, compliance with standards and quality of life.

To achieve this:
- the situation was mapped, i.e. a report describing the current state of concrete buildings in the countries included in the project was prepared
- the competencies required for the renovation of concrete buildings were mapped (for EQF levels 4 and 5), specifying knowledge, skills and competencies in real estate analysis, concrete pathologies and renovation techniques
- a mobile application was created that enables a quick analysis of concrete building and finding possible solutions for the maintenance and renovation 
- a guide for professionals was created, which includes, among other things, examples of case studies that have taken place in reality

Within the framework of the project, a training program was also organized for trainers-specialists - the created materials and a new kind of approach that future specialists could apply in the renovation process were introduced. The post can be seen on the Facebook page of the project partner 36.6 Centrum Kompetencjilink opens on new page.

The project is now ending, and all those interested can take part in the multiplier event presenting its results:

Särevere Construction building
ruum 602

Last changed 18.03.2023.