Upgrading the trainers

Date created 23.02.2022

On 21st and 22nd February a multiplier event “Upgrading the trainers” took place at Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus (JKHK).

During this event the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project „Upgrading Trainers in Dual Vocational Systemlink opens on new page“ (UpT2S) was introduced: the benefits of the UpT2S project outcomes and app system. 

Project manager at JKHK introduced an online course for trainers, demonstrated the new UpT2S app platform that can be used to exchange the information - to communicate and evaluate – between the school, company (trainer) and the trainee. Also a guideline of best practices got introduced. After a thorough theoretical part, it was time for workshops in the school's study bases, led by head teachers. Participants got to experience the platforms and see what benefits one can derive from them.

Although the covid is still affecting us badly, many people found their way to our event to learn and share the experience as well as give feedback, which is always highly appreciated:
21.02.2022 Representatives of companies, trainers from the companies and schools, and other educators from the following fields: agriculture, veterinary assistant, horse management, car technician, fish farmer, water management operator, property manager and road construction
22.02.2022 Representatives of companies, trainers from the companies and schools, and other educators from the following fields: accommodation and food services, social work and consulting, cleaning services, logistics, IT and trade.


Past two years five teams from European schools have worked on the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project UpT2S with an aim to upgrade trainers in a dual system by developing different resources that will professionalize the work of the trainers who are a link between VET centers, students and companies.

Three outcomes of the project:
*Online course to train the trainer, including videos, presentation and tests
*mobile app - an application to improve the communication between the trainers and a trainee and to evaluate a trainee 
*Good practices guideline

Marleen Annabel Pukk

Merje Molter

Last changed 23.02.2022.