Vocational Excellence Water (PoVE Water)

Vocational Excellence Water (PoVE Water)

PoVE Water Scale-up project under the Erasmus+ programme ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PEX-COVE:

PoVe Water - Platform of Vocational Excellence Water Scale-up

Veekäitluse kutsealane tippkeskus

Projekti nr 101055851
Kestus 01/06/2022 - 31/05/2026

Projekti kogu eelarve: 4.994.377 €, millest ELi osa 3.995.502 €
JKHK eelarve: 154 614€*
*The total expenditure to be committed by the Partner for the period covered by the contract is estimated at € 193.268,00 (including all taxes and duties). The maximum EU contribution is € 154.614,00 (EU funding rate 80%).

Projekti koduleht PoVE Waterlink opens on new page

Platform of Vocational Excellence Water Scale-up - PoVE Water Scale-up‘ (Erasmus+ programmi kutsealase tipptaseme keskuse/ Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) raames). 

PoVE Water Scale-up on 8 kutsekooli, 7 veemajanduse spetsialisti, 4 akadeemilise partneri ja 4 tugipartneri ühine algatus Euroopas ja mujal, et koolitada meie kutsekoolide õpilasi paindlikeks, innovaatilisteks, digitaalsete oskustega ja jätkusuutlikult orienteeritud veesektori spetsialistideks, keda meie tulevik hädasti vajab.

CoVE Water on suurprojekt, milles osalevad partnerriigid on jagatud neljaks keskuseks (NL, MT, LV ja CZ), kus JKHK kuulub gruppi CoVE Water Baltics (LV). Gruppi on kaasatud piirkonna kutsehariduse pakkujad, ettevõtete esindajad ja teadusuuringute partnered. Ametlikud projektipartnerid Eestist on JKHK koos Eesti Vee-ettevõtete Liiduga (EVEL).
Type of action: ERASMUS-LS
Proposal number: 101055851
Proposal acronym: PoVE Water Scale up
Duration (months): 48
Proposal title: Platform of Vocational Excellence Water Scale-up

The total cost of the project for the contractual period referred to by the Agreement n° 101055851,
all financing combined, is estimated at 4.994.377€ (including all taxes and duties). A EU contribution of EUR 3.995.502€
JKHK eelarve: 154 614€*
*The total expenditure to be committed by the Partner for the period covered by the contract is estimated at € 193.268,00 (including all taxes and duties). The maximum EU contribution is € 154.614,00 (EU funding rate 80%).

PoVE Water Scale-up is a joint initiative of 8 VET schools, 7 Water industry professionals, 4 academic partners and 4 support partners in Europe and beyond to educate our VET students to become agile, digitally skilled and sustainable oriented water sector professionals that our future desperately needs.

CoVE Water is a major project and the participating partner countries are divided into four centers (NL, MT, LV and CZ), where JKHK belongs to the CoVE Water Baltics group. The group includes regional vocational education providers, business representatives and research partners. The official project partners from Estonia are JKHK together with the Estonian Association of Water Companies (EVEL).

PoVE Water Scale up builds on the partnership that was initiated in the Pilot PoVE Water project.
The aim of the project is to integrate Vocational Excellence in the Water sector, thus ensuring high quality skills and competences that lead to quality jobs and careers, meeting the needs of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy.


Published 26.11.2023. Last changed 03.10.2024.