
Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training:

IncluVET - Inclusion in Vocational Education and Training
IncluVET – kaasamine kutseharidusse ja -koolitusse

Project period: 1.10.23-30.9.2026

Partner organisations:

This project intends to develop a 27-hour/1 micro-credit in-service training course for teachers on how to think INCLUSION with unmotivated and marginalised students in academic lessons in VET through innovative practical lessons. The aim is to increase student motivation and inclusion in VET by teachers moving away from traditional lecturing towards an innovative student-active learning approach in all subjects.

What activities will we implement:
1. Collect and test different methodologies in the classes of partners in the planning phase
2. Development of course materials in 9 languages (27 hours/1 microcredit)
3. Testing course on a minimum of 300 students in 9 VET schools with 80 staff
4. Do a train the trainers' course/ Conduct Pilot training of developed materials with feedback and adjustments
5. Conduct multiplier events in 9 countries to reach a minimum of 500 people
6. Two short-term teachers' training events with financing outside the project
7. Develop an online GDPR-compliant self-assessment app for students
8. Four transnational meetings and twelve online meetings
9. Sharing of good practice

1. Develop a project identity kit and a project website
2. Full 27-hour course materials in 9 languages
3. Develop curriculum overview and didactic handbook for the course
4. Hold two joint short time Learning, Teaching and Training Activities with sharing of good practice between participants and partners,
5. Conduct n extensive train the trainers program
6. A functional web-based GDPR-compliant self-assessment app for students where they can assess their learning and participation with a few easy few-touch functions
7. 9 local test reports and one summative report
8. A compiled three-day course for international participants
9. 9 multiplier events reaching min 500 people
10. Dissemination activities reaching min 20 000 people
11. A 50-page curriculum/didactic guide
12. Two short-term teacher training events (externally financed)
13. Clear written structured project plans
14. A website-
15. Setting inclusion in practice on the school leader's agenda in the partner schools to ensure widespread focus and implementation in all staff categories
16. We will make sure there is a holistic approach to INCLUSION in all aspects of the project, from the inclusion of staff and students to inclusion in the way we set up project products
17. Conduct Train the Trainers' event
18. Make Knowledge, Attitude, Practices (KAP) Survey tests for each module of the course
(Gumucio, 2011)

Avaldatud 22.11.2023. Viimati muudetud 03.10.2024.