Safety and Hygiene (SAHFY)

The goals and results of the SAFHY project

The project developed hygiene expertise in the field of nursing care and cleaning services in vocational education and training.
The goal was met by comparing and aligning curricula and the skills requirements, and by unifying the teaching, learning material and the implementation of on-the-job training in Estonia and Finland.

Digital teaching material was piloted during the project and VET students especially appreciated the wide video material developed during the project.

Hygiene expertise increases the safety of both customers and employees in the workplace.
Similar kind of education in vocational education and training increases opportunities for labor mobility between Finland and Estonia.

The project completed a wide, multilingual (Finnish, Estonian, Russian and English) digital teaching material for vocational education and training:
www.safhy.netlink opens on new page
21 topics for nursing education
27 topics for cleaning services sector
learning tests on the topics
5900 photos of the work steps, the materials used, the tools, etc.
120 videos
professional vocabulary

For more information about the use of digital SAFHY material please contact
tuija[dot]laine[at]keuda[dot]fi or t[dot]passila[at]luukku[dot]com

The project was implemented by Keuda, Digital Robot Finland, OÜ Puhastusekspert, Järva County Vocational Training Center and Tartu Health Care College. The total funding for the project was EUR 1 184 999 of which ERDF funding was EUR 921 249,15.

www.safhy.eulink opens on new page opens on new page

Artikkel projekti kohta on siinlink opens on new page

Safety and Hygiene - safer environment
Ohutus ja hügieen - turvalisem keskkond

Finantseerimine: Euroopa Liit,  Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond, Kesk-Läänemere programm 2014-2020
Projekti kestvus: 01.09.2015 - 31.12.2017

Projekti partnermaad: Eesti, Soome.
Juhtpartner: Keuda Group

Projekti finantseerib ERDF summas 921 249,15 € ja kogu projektifinantseering on 1 184 999 €.
Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskuse osa projekti kogumaksumuses: 108 333 eurot.

Keauda Group’i (Soome) poolt koordineeritud projekti on kaasatud Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus, Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, Puhastus ekspert OÜ, Digital Robot (Soome).

SAFHY Projekti eesmärgiks on arendada Soome ja Eesti tööjõu erialaseid oskuseid puhastus- ja tervishoiuteenindussektorites. Peamiseks projekti sihiks on edendada õppimist ja kutsealaseid oskuseid, eriti hügieeni valdkonnas. Hügieenialaste teadmiste abil on võimalik vähendada igapäevaseid hügieeniriske ja takistada nakkuste levikut, mille tulemusel tagatakse senisest turvalisem keskkond nii meditsiinis kui ka puhastusteeninduses.

Projekti jooksul vaadatakse üle ja ühtlustatakse Soome ja Eesti puhastuse- ja tervishoiuteeninduse õppekavad ja luuakse ühine digitaalne õppematerjal, mida hakatakse mõlemas riigis kasutama kutseõppes, koolitamisel ja tööalaseks täiendõppeks. Väljatöötatud õppematerjal saab olema eesti-, soome-, vene- ja inglise keelne, mis soodustab rahvusvahelist tööjõu mobiilsust.

The project SAFHY aims at developing labour skills of cleaning service and health care services in Estonia and Finland by aligning curricula and training material both for vocational education as well as the labour market. The project promotes learning and professional skills in these two sectors to reduce hygiene risks and infections while increasing safer environments in health care and cleaning services.

Hygiene in health care and hygienic cleaning are highest topics in the whole world and their importance is increasing because of Ebola-type infections. The project promotes using digital network solutions for developing skills and avoiding global diffusion of these diseases. In practice the project improves two curricula and training methods for vocational education. The project also designs and implements pilot education to health care and cleaning services by using digital learning platform.

As a result the project aligns and enriches two curricula and produces cross-border multilingual digital learning material for students both in cleaning services and health care. Digital learning material improves students’ skills considering hygiene and safer work environments as well as language skills. It also improves their competencies to enter the profession of their choice. Digital Learning material gives multilingual support for learners and teachers and even more for working leaders and workers. Development of working and language skills and also those better matching working opportunities have strong impact on increasing social inclusion.

This project is done with 921 249, 15 euros from the European Regional Development Fund. Total funding for the project is 1 184 999 euros.
The project is a joint co-operation venture of:
    Keuda Group, Finlandlink opens on new page
    Co-operative Digital Robot, Finlandlink opens on new page
    OÜ Puhastusekspert, Estonialink opens on new page
    Tartu Health Care College, Estonialink opens on new page
    Järva County Vocational Training Centre, Estonialink opens on new page

SAHFY projektijuht:
Tuija Laine
Keuda Group

Kirkkotie 31, Tuusula; Soome
+358 504 150 859

Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskuse SAHFY projektijuht:
Reelika Hints

Tallinna 46, Paide, Eesti
+372 5553 6773

Avaldatud 23.01.2019. Viimati muudetud 03.10.2024.